Assisting incarcerated women in developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and returning to society as productive citizens.
Christian Outreach & Benevolance
Our faith is to provide a Christian context in which women in need are equipped for spiritual, economical, emotional, and self-sufficient lives. Our desire is to show God's love and help others to develop a personal relationship with God.
Reentry Programs for Women
WEBS provides bible study and various classes and activities inside of the prison to help women prepare for release back into society. Classes include job readiness, healthy relationships, domestic violence and others.
Winter Wonderland Annual Event
Winter Wonderland is an annual event that allows incarcerated women a unique opportunity to connect with their children during the Christmas Holiday season. As the scripture reminds us, “It is better to give than to receive, “we encourage women to purchase gifts for their children as a token of love, forgiveness, or appreciation and to bridge gaps and rebuild relationships.
Journey to Success
This is a pre-release and post-release program designed to help women successfully transition from prison back into society. They are given professional training by business professionals, educators, and other industry professionals to help provide them with key skills and tools that will enable them to implement a personal plan of goals and supporting actions that will positively impact their future.
We believe in fresh starts and new beginnings.
Learn more about how you can help another human being with a second chance at a better life and a hopeful future.

We believe.
We believe in God and the mission of WEBS so it drives us to do our best in reaching and impacting others.
Our faith enables us to set far-reaching goals, create new ways to bring families together and prepare women for release from prison. We are honored to serve and draw volunteers who share the same heart.
Join us in the fight to reduce recidivism and rebuild families woman by woman.